Rainbows of Hope Chestnut Hill
April 7, 2020Chestnut Hill Philadelphia Monday 9:45 AM April 6th. The 77th day since the first
reported case of the corona virus in America. Some of the purpose of this Blog
is to help me define myself a photographer or more importantly a visual artist.
As I have stated before the one gift I have is that I see the graphics and
designs in all thing as I walk down any street and any landscape Simply by
definition photography records a singular moment in time, thoughtfully. This day I found that the Retailers of Chestnut
hill were the thoughtful ones. As I walked
with my Camera shooting what I saw a shop owner opened her door and asked what I
was photographing and for who. I said I was
a freelance visual artist just trying the best I could this pandemic and the
impact on all of us and then blogging it. She told me that the Chestnut Hill retailers were
arranging their windows with Rainbow Colors as A Rainbow of Hope. My hat is off to them for providing yet
another bright light in a very foggy time.
I hope you like their creativity and when this passes as we all know it
will visit their shops.